Защо Microsoft Word създава два копия докато се използва?


Защо Microsoft Word създава два копия докато се използва?
Защо Microsoft Word създава два копия докато се използва?

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Видео: Защо Microsoft Word създава два копия докато се използва?
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Въпреки че може да не мислите за това или да го осъзнаете, Microsoft Word създава второ копие на документите, които имате отворени и работите. Но защо Microsoft Word прави това? Днешната публикация "SuperUser Q &A" има отговорите на любопитния читателски въпрос за това поведение.
Въпреки че може да не мислите за това или да го осъзнаете, Microsoft Word създава второ копие на документите, които имате отворени и работите. Но защо Microsoft Word прави това? Днешната публикация "SuperUser Q &A" има отговорите на любопитния читателски въпрос за това поведение.

Днешната сесия за въпроси и отговори ни идва с любезното съдействие на SuperUser - подразделение на Stack Exchange - обединяване на уеб сайтове с въпроси и отговори.


Reader на SuperUser JBurnham иска да разбере защо Microsoft Word създава два копия, докато се използва:

Why does Microsoft Word create another copy of the same file, but hidden, while in use? And why does the file created while a document is open always have “~$” replacing the first 2 letters of the file name?

For example:


Защо Microsoft Word създава второ копие? И какво става с "~ $" в името на вторичния файл?


Привържениците на SuperUser Матю Уилямс и Франк Томас имат отговора за нас. Първо, Матю Уилямс:

The file you refer to is a temporary file which serves a number of purposes. From Microsoft themselves:

Quoted Text: A temporary file is a file that is created to temporarily store information in order to free memory for other purposes, or to act as a safety net to prevent data loss when a program performs certain functions. For example, Word determines automatically where and when it needs to create temporary files. The temporary files only exist during the current session of Word. When Word is shut down in a normal fashion, all temporary files are first closed and then deleted.


Going on from this, these temporary files help improve speed. If your system is struggling with having enough memory, Word will help it along by shifting non used functionality from memory to disk in the form of a temporary file.


In order to ensure the integrity of your file in the event of a system error, information is written to the temporary file, then on to the original file. Should you have any error occur, it can be restricted/recovered from temporary files rather than your core file.

Locked Files

Quoted Text: When you open a file that is locked, either because it is open in another window of Word or because another user on the network has it open, you can work with a copy of the file. Word places this copy in the Windows Temp directory. Likewise, if a template attached to a document is locked, Word automatically makes a copy of the template in the Temp directory. The copy of a locked file does not automatically update the original owner’s file.

Owner File ~$ (Same Directory as Source File)

Quoted Text: When a previously saved file is opened for editing, for printing, or for review, Word creates a temporary file that has a.doc file name extension. This file name extension begins with a tilde (~) that is followed by a dollar sign ($) that is followed by the remainder of the original file name. This temporary file holds the logon name of the person who opens the file. This temporary file is called the “owner file”.

Source – Description of how Word creates temporary files [Microsoft]

Final note from Matthew: This is a sizable topic. I have provided a number of examples on this file’s usage, but please use the source provided for a detailed list of reasons from Microsoft. I do not want to copy/paste the entire page here.

Следва отговор от Франк Томас:

Primarily because of the Auto-save features. If you do not tell a document to save your changes, do you expect it to save over the original with no command to, or warning that it will happen? It also allows your changes to be recovered if Word crashes and you have not saved for 2 hours. By default, there will be a 10 minute old version of your changes that can be recovered.

On a more basic level, it allows one user to open a file on a share and read it while another user has it open for modification, though if multiple users are editing it, last-in-wins.

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