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Reader на SuperUser vico иска да знае защо скенерите използват PDF като формат за запис по подразбиране:
A lot of scanning software has PDF set as the default format for newly created documents. Why is this?
As I understand it, scanned documents are pixel based pictures like those in cameras. I am unaware of any cameras that store pictures using the PDF format.
What does the PDF format bring to the table such that it is often set as the default?
Защо скенерите използват PDF като формат по подразбиране?
Сътрудникът на SuperUser Atzmon има отговор за нас:
There are several advantages to PDF files versus JPG or other graphic formats:
- Self contained; you can OCR the text and keep the searchable text with the original bitmap (which is something most scanners can try to do automatically as part of the scan process)
- Securable at the file level itself without using additional tools or relying on operating system specific features
- Cannot be altered without leaving digital footprints
- Can include metadata, which helps with filing and searching
- Compressible with good control over the compression type and level
- Supports multiple pages
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Image Credit: npslibrarian (Flickr)